- Workshop (Die AG „Offenes Design digitaler Verwaltungsarchitekturen“), Marianne Mauch and Leila Feddoul, Digitale Woche der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät 2023, 28.03.2023, de.
- FAIRe Daten in der Verwaltung (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable): Strukturen und Prozesse für qualitativ hochwertige (Meta)-Daten in der öffentlichen Verwaltung, Felicitas Löffler, Marco Holz, Marianne Mauch and Thomas Tursics, PIAZZA 2023, 17.12.2023, link.
- Der Kompass der föderalen IT-Architektur, Marianne Mauch and Philipp Bornheimer, Die FITKO stellt vor, 28.02.2024, link.
- Wann ist ein "Kind" ein "Kind"? (Wie Wissensgraphen die semantische Interoperabilität bei Datenabrufen unterstützen können), Kathleen Jennrich, Dr. Felicitas Löffler und Marianne Mauch, 12. Fachkongress des IT-Planungsrats, 21.03.2024, link.
- Mit der KI vom Gesetzestext zur Antragsstrecke, Marianne Mauch, 15. Bechtle IT-Forum Thüringen, 15.5.2024, link
1. openDVA Congress
Dear members and dear partners of the “Open Design of Digital Administration Architectures (openDVA)” working group,
The digitalization of administration is making progress and will have to face further technical challenges in the future. Artificial intelligence in particular has the potential to fundamentally change processes in industry, business, science and administration.
We therefore cordially invite you to Thuringia for the 1st openDVA Congress. Where could one better frame the change in time from analogue to digital than in the centuries-old architectural beauty of the Dornburg castles.
GovTech Colloqium
The digital suitability of legal texts forms the basis for efficient, transparent and citizen-oriented administration and thus plays an important role in modernising the public sector. The openDVA working group is a scientific network with stakeholders from science, public administration and industry that, together with its partners, is investigating the path from legal text to digitalised administrative services. At the GovTech Colloquium, openDVA will present the results of its projects in an understandable way with reference to specific administrative services. Building on this, possible further research questions will be discussed and developed together with the guests.
2. openDVA Congress
On June 3rd and 4th, 2024, the Open Design of Digital Administrative Architectures (openDVA) working group invited people to the conference of the same name (openDVA Congress) at the Dornburg Castles for the second time. Over two days, the results of the Canareno, simpLEX and KollOM-FIT projects were presented... [continue reading]