Prof. Dr. Birgitta König-Ries

Curriculum Vitae
Birgitta König-Ries holds the Heinz-Nixdorf Chair for Distributed Information Systems at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
Before joining FSU, she was working with the TU Munich, Universität Karlsruhe (this is where she obtained both her PhD and her diploma degrees), Florida International University, and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
The central theme of the group’s work is the distributed, automized usage of resources, i.e., information and functionality,
in heterogeneous, dynamic environments. An important application area for the solutions developed is research data management, in particular for biodiversity research projects.
We develop a research data management platform, BEXIS 2, and work on tools to improve data FAIRness and reproducibility of research.
Semantic web technology is used in many of our projects to achieve these goals.
Professional Activities
really outdated, will be updated when I am less busy (whenever that will be the case ….)
- PC-Co-Chair European Conference on Webservices (ECOWS), Halle, 2007
- Workshop Chair Intl. Conf on Mobile Data Management (MDM), Mannheim, 2007.
- Co-Chair Conference “Mobilität und Mobile Informationssysteme“ 2006, 2007, 2009.
- Organisation of Dagstuhl Seminar „Uncertainty Management in Information Systems“, Oktober 2008 (with Volker Markl, Maurice van Keulen, Christoph Koch, Heinz Schweppe, Peter Lockemann)
- Organisation of Dagstuhl Seminar “Mobile Information Management”, Oktober 2004 (with Margaret Dunham, Evaggelia Pitoura, Peter Reiher, Can Türker)
- Organisation of GI Dagstuhl Research Seminar “Mobile Application Development” (with Susanne Boll and Daniela Nicklas), 2007
- Workshop Co-Chair RoSOC-M (part of MDM 08)
- Workshop Co-Chair “Workshop on Mobile Services and Ontologies“ (part of MDM 2006)
- Program Committee Co-Chair EDBT Workshop Pervasive Information Management, EDBT 2004 (with Can Türker) and 2006 (with Can Türker and Hagen Höpfner)
- Program Committee Co-Chair NSF Workshop on an Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless Systems, 15. Oktober 2001, Scottsdale, Arizona.
- Member of the Program Committee of (selection)
- MDM 2009
- International Conference on Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology, 2009
- PDP 2009
- CollaborateCom 2007, 2008
- AP2PC 07, 08 (part of AAMAS),
- APIS 08 (part of CAISE)
- MobiDE 07
- TWUC 07
- VLDB PhD Workshop 2007
- ICDE 2007
- BTW 2007, 2009
- WI 2007,2009
- MCISE 2007
- ECOWS 2005, 2006, 2008
- Mobile Commerce Technologien und Anwendungen, Augsburg, 2005
- Intl. Workshop on Theory Building and Formal Methods in Electronic/Mobile Commerce (TheFormEMC), 2004, 2006.
- Intl. Conference on Mobile Multimedia (MoMM), 2004, 2006, 2008
- IIT 2006
- APUC 2006
- Intl. Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing (IWUC 2004, 2008) (part of ICEIS)
- Intl. Workshop on Wireless Information Systems (WIS 2003, 2004, 2005) (part of ICEIS)
- all nine Workshops of the GI Arbeitskreis Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme
- Member of the Editorial Board Computer Science – Research and Development
- Guest Editor of special issues
- International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS): Mobile Services and Ontologies (with Christoph Bussler, Dumitru Roman, Jari Veijalainen)
- Computer Science – Research and Development: Web Services – Infrastructure and Architecture (with Claus Pahl, in preparation)
- It&ti: Mobile Application Development (in preparation)
- Reviews for numerous conferences and Journals
- Chair of GI Arbeitskreises „Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme“ (2003-2005)
- Co-Chair of GI Fachgruppe „Mobilität und Mobile Informationssysteme“ (Special Interest Group on Mobility and Mobile Information Systems of the German Computer Science Society)
- Head of the Institute of Computer Science at FSU Jena (04/06 – 03/08)
- Chair of the universitywide priority research area „Analysis and Management of Complex Systems“ (since 02/08)
- Mentor at Cybermentor (a program to foster interest in STEM in girls aged 11 to 18)
- Reviewer for Grace Hopper Celebration Travel Grants 2008
- Member of GI and ACM
Research Areas
The main focus of my current research is on topics including
- data management for (ecological) research
- FAIR data
- reproducible research
- provenance management
- automatic data annotation
- data quality control
- data integration
- personalisation
- semantic web
- ….
In the past, we have also worked on
- evaluation of semantic service frameworks
- service usage in ad-hoc networks
- portal standardization